Instructions - WiseSales: Creating "Appointment Booking" Product in Online Store

Check the instructions on how to add appointment booking products for sale in the online store.

Note: If you want to add more resources (fields) to a single product, this can be done through WiseNetwork support. In this case, the product card might be, for example, "Tennis," and underneath it, there would be different tennis courts listed as resources.

1. Let's move to the system administration side and select.

Create a new product card in the online store by clicking on the top of the page.

“Add product.”

2. Let's name a new product, for example, with the name "Field 1" and select "appointment booking" as the product type from the dropdown menu.


“Add product.”

Note that appointment booking products can be created for any resources that you want to make available for booking at specific times.

2.1. Basic information

Let's set the visibility of the product card in the basic information section.

  • Let's choose whether the product card is visible in the online store (in the "visibility" section).
  • Let's choose whether the product card will appear on the homepage in the element designated for online store products, if such an element exists on the website (in the "show on homepage" section).
  • If desired, you can set a publication date and an expiration date for the product card, thereby controlling the period during which the product is visible in the online store.

2.2. Product Descriptions

Let's write a product description where we can provide more detailed information about the appointment booking product and related matters.

Short Description = Displayed next to the image in the online store as a brief introductory text. Also visible in the admin panel under the "Short Description" column in the product management listing (Sales → Products → Products).

Product Description = Appears in the online store as the longer introductory text under its own "Product Description" tab. It's advisable to thoroughly cover, for example, the terms related to the appointment booking product in the description.

Technical Specifications = The text written in this field will appear in the online store under its own "Technical Specifications" -tab.

Additional Information for Order Confirmation = If you want to include additional information in the order confirmation email sent to the customer, it should be written in this field.

Link = Add a link to this field if you want to redirect the customer from the product card to somewhere else.

Billing Description = If you want to include any additional billing-related information on the customer's invoice, it should be added to this field.

2.3. Setting Accounting Account

If you are using WisePlatform's financial management tools, it's important to assign an accounting account to each product sold, where all sales of that product are directed. If the accounting account is missing, sales receipts will be incomplete.

In the product card, there is a section called "Accounting". Click on the company name displayed there.

The desired accounting account can be added to the product by searching for it either by name or by the accounting account number.

2.4. Pricing Information

Let's set the sales price and tax class for the appointment booking product.

The system automatically calculates the net price based on the information provided.

Additionally, in the price information section, indicate whether the appointment booking can be paid with Smartum or Epass.

It's also possible to set different prices for different time slots for the same product in the appointment calendar. More details can be found in the "Pricing for Appointment Booking" tab.

It's not possible to give role-specific discounts for appointment booking products. Discounts for groups are made under Sales > Settings > Appointment Booking. Discounts can be defined with a new price or as a percentage discount. The rule type is Membership. Note! The discount is defined for the access rights category.

(Order Quantities
The "Order Quantities" section is not needed for appointment booking products.)

2.5. Categories (Adding the Product to the Online Store Menu)

Once the product card is ready and set to be visible in the online store (section 2.1. basic information), it should be added to the desired menu item in the online store using categories.


"Add product into web shop category."

From the popup window that appears, select the category/categories under which you want the appointment booking product to be found in the online store. Then click "Add" at the bottom of the popup window.

If the desired category hasn't been created yet, it can be created in the category management of the online store (see the next section "online store categories").

Categories help organize the products and services sold in the online store into consistent groups. For appointment booking products, you can create a separate heading like "Appointments" in the online store and add all appointment booking products for purchase there. You can also create specific categories for appointment booking products based on their type, such as "sports", "meeting rooms", or "simulators".

Online Store Categories
(Online Store Menu)

The online store menu is managed from the admin panel under the section.


  • A new category is added from the “Add category” -button.
  • The visibility of categories is controlled by the checkbox at the end of the row.
  • The order of categories can be changed by “dragging and dropping”.

Detailed instructions >>

2.6. Tags

In the “Tags” -section, tags can be added to product cards, based on which they can be searched for in the listing on the Products page.

In the “For Customer” section, tags can be added to indicate which ones should be added to the CRM for the person who purchases the respective product.

In the “From Customer” section, tags can be added to indicate which ones should be removed from the CRM for the person who purchases the respective product.

2.7. Roles

If a specific role is to be assigned directly to the buyer of the product within the system, the 'Roles' section is used.

In the “For Customer” section, the role that is desired to be added to the person when they purchase the respective product is added.

In the “From Customer” section, the role that is desired to be removed from the customer when they purchase the respective product is added.

2.8. Cash register Settings

The “Cash register Settings” -section is used if the product is also sold from a physical location using the WisePlatform's point-of-sale system.

With this setting, it can be determined whether, if multiple units of a product are purchased, each purchase appears on its own line or on a single line with the quantity specified.

2.9. Visibility

When a product card is set to be displayed in the online store, it is by default visible to all online store visitors.

If the visibility of the product card needs to be restricted to a specific role created within the system (e.g., members), only the role(s) for which the product is intended to be visible are checked in the visibility section.

3. Other Tabs for the "Appointment Booking" Product

On the product card's tabs, various aspects related to appointment booking products are added and defined, such as product images and information related to orders.

Note that changes made on each tab need to be saved separately using the 'Save' button.

3.1. Images Tab

Images related to the product are added on the “Images” -tab.

  • Product images should be of high quality and showcase the features of the products comprehensively.
  • It's beneficial to have multiple images of a single product showcased in the online store.
  • The system works best with square-shaped images (preferably with an aspect ratio of 800 x 800 pixels), ensuring that nothing is cropped out or the original image is not stretched.

Finally, save the changes made by clicking the "Save" -button.

3.2. Reservations Tab

From the "Bookings" tab, you can view the bookings for this product for the current day.

By changing the "Booking Date" field, you can also see bookings for other dates.

From this tab, you can also delete or edit bookings.

3.3. Reservation Settings Tab

From the "Booking Settings" -tab, you can view the settings for the booking.


From the "Dates" section, you can specify how the resource is available for booking on a date and time basis.

"Start date" = the date from which the resource is available for booking.

"End date" = the date until which the resource is available for booking. (If indefinite, the end date is left empty).

"Start time" = From which hour of the day the resource is available for booking, for example, starting from 6:00 AM in the morning.

"End time" = The time of day when the resource's booking availability ends, for example, at 10:00 PM in the evening.

Other settings

In the “Other settings” -section, the weekdays when the resource is available for booking are marked.

By default, all weekdays are selected. Unwanted days are deselected. If a day needs to be added back for booking, it is simply typed into the field.


"Block duration" = The product price compares to the "block duration".

If the product price is 30 € and the block duration is 30 min, then the reservation price is 30 € / 30 min.

If the product price is 30 € and the block duration is 60 min, then the reservation price is 30 € / 60 min.

"Break" = The break between blocks in minutes. If no break is desired, it remains as 0.

Booking restrictions
"Minimum duration" = Determines the minimum duration of the appointment. The minimum duration of the appointment should be at least one block.

"Maximum duration" = Specifies the maximum duration of the appointment, i.e., how many blocks a customer can book consecutively.

"Limit how far into the future customers can book" = Specifies how far into the future customers can see available times in the booking calendar, for example, two weeks ahead.

"Limit how close to another booking can be made" = Used when the block duration and minimum duration differ from each other. This prevents empty (below minimum duration) time slots from being left unused on the calendar.

"Limit how soon the first available booking times are available" = From the moment of browsing the calendar, specifies how many hours ahead the first booking can be made. For example, can I book a time starting in 15 minutes immediately or do I have to wait longer.

3.4. Reservation Pricing Tab

The price of the resource to be reserved is determined by default on the "basic information" -tab of the product card. However, on the "pricing" -tab, it is possible to set different prices for different times on the calendar for that particular product.

By creating pricing rules, you can set campaign prices, seasonal prices, or holiday prices. For example, lower prices can be set for quieter days or hours for bookings, or conversely, higher prices can be set for bookings during prime-time hours if desired.

The pricing tab also allows for quick changes to pricing, for example, for the current day.

By clicking on the "Add Price" button, you can add a new row for a new pricing rule.

Fill in the necessary information in the fields: start and end dates, times, price, and days of the week.

The "Save Pricing Rules" button saves the pricing rules and any changes made to them.

Detailed instructions >>

3.5. Access Rights Tab

If access rights, such as a PIN code, are desired for a booking product to grant customers access through a door at the specified booking time, access rights can be added to the product. These access rights must be prepared in advance, and WiseNetwork must link the access right to the door through which access is granted.

Multiple access right categories can be selected for the product.

The selected types of access rights are activated according to the product's selections.

3.6. Notes Tab

The "Notes" -tab allows the company to jot down various product-related details and remarks for its own reference. If there are notes added to the product card, this is indicated in the title of the "Notes" tab. These notes are for internal company use only.

The "Add" button at the bottom of the page.

The function behind the "Add" button attached to the bottom of the page:

"Export bookings to calendar" = Generates an iCalendar file from the reservation, allowing the current booking status of the reservation calendar to be exported to other calendars.

Finally, remember to save the product card and ensure that it displays correctly on the online store.

Reservation Management

All bookings for appointment products can be viewed from the system's administrative interface.

→ “Sales”
→ “Orders”
→ “Reservations”

Filters can be used to search for reservations for a specific product for review.