WiseCMS: News or Announcements Section for Your Website

In the system, it is possible to add, for example, a fixed article element to the front page of the website, where the latest news, current affairs, or other desired articles are automatically featured.

In this guide, we will create fixed article elements for the front page of the website, organized into three columns, where the latest news added to the system will be automatically featured. This guide can be customized according to your needs:

  • There can be only one article element or, conversely, they can be arranged, for example, in two or four columns.
  • If desired, articles from different categories can be set to appear in each column, meaning they don't all have to belong to the same "news" category.

Settings for the Published Article

For the individual article that you want to automatically appear, for example, in the news section of your website, you need to set the category to which it belongs when publishing.

If you want the publication date of the article to be included in the news feature, make sure to check the "show publication date" option in the article settings.

1. Navigate to the page where you want to place the automatically updating article elements. In this example, we'll use the homepage of the company's website, but you can do this on any other page as desired.

2. In the content editor, select the structural element "three columns" and place it in the desired location on the page.

3. Add the "article" element to each column from the content editor.

4. Edit the settings of the individual article element by clicking on the pencil icon on top of it.

Note: Do not confuse the pencil icon for the individual article element with the pencil icon for the three-column structure element, which is located in the upper right corner of the structure element. The pencil icon for the structure element allows you to adjust the widths of the columns if needed.

5. In the article settings, under the content section, choose "by article category."

Type the desired category into the "choose category" field, such as "news" in this case. It's crucial to use the same category word in the settings of individual articles under the "category" section. You can define category words according to your preference, and it doesn't have to be exactly "news."

Click "Save."

Publish the article as usual afterward.

6. Remember to perform step 5 for each individual article display separately if there are multiple displays in different columns.

Note that you can also utilize other settings found behind the article element.

For instance, you can hide the "Read More" button in the article feature, change its layout style, or set it to open in a new tab if desired.

Read more about article highlight settings >>

6. Articles now appear in elements automatically based on the set category and publication date, with the newest article on the left side.

If "show publication time" is checked for an article, it will also appear in this article feature.