Instructions - WiseSales: Correcting the Payment Method of a Sales Invoice

If you have received payment for a sales invoice via cash but accidentally used the wrong payment method, follow these instructions to correct it.

1. Open the cash register. Click on "Cancel/return orders" at the top right corner of the cash register.

2. From the list, find the payment transaction that needs correction and click on it.
Select the desired transaction to make it active and click on "Do a Refund".

3. In the system's admin section,
"Sales Invoices"
"Sales Invoices"

Find the invoice that has just been refunded via the cash register. Select the "Additional Information" tab on the invoice, where the payments received for the invoice are displayed.
Remove the payment made with the incorrect method by clicking on the trash can icon in the payment history.
Void the corresponding MS voucher from the voucher list. If there are multiple payments and MS vouchers on the invoice, ensure that the correct MS voucher is voided. The payment and its corresponding MS voucher have the same date.

When the payment is removed and the MS voucher is voided, the reason recorded should be "Incorrect Payment Method."

4. Afterward, a new payment can be made for the invoice via the cash register, using the correct payment method.