Instructions - WiseEconomy: Update to the Cash Sales Report

The order of the report summaries has been changed.

1. Summary by Payment Method

  • The summary by payment method now includes the total amount for orders where "Invoice/Account Sale" was selected as the payment method at checkout.

2. Summary by Tax Class

  • The summary by tax class remains unchanged.

3. Summary by Accounting Accounts

  • Tax rates have been added under sales in the summary of accounting accounts to clarify sales recording.

4. Summary by Cost Centers

  • A new summary for cost centers has been added to the cash sales report. In this summary, the cost center name serves as the header, under which accounting accounts and tax rates directed to that cost center are listed.

5. Summary of Invoice/Order Payments

  • This summary provides the total amount of invoices and unpaid orders that have been paid in cash. This summary should be deducted from the cash sales since either it's already accounted for in the invoicing accounting report, or the sales have been generated from online purchases or appointments.

6. Summary by Products

  • In the product summary, a new column has been added for the accounting account to which the sale is directed. This will facilitate the reconciliation of unaccounted sales in the future.

7. Summary by Registers

  • The summary by registers provides sales data on a register-by-register basis.

8. Cash Registers by Accounts

  • Sales from the cash register categorized by accounting accounts without tax rates.