Instructions - WiseEconomy: Processing an Incoming Purchase Invoice

Processing of an incoming purchase invoice in the system.

1. Incoming purchase invoices can be found in the "Purchase Invoice Summary" page within the system.
→ Economy
→ Purchase Invoices
→ Incoming Invoices

2. To open a specific invoice from the list of incoming invoices, navigate to the invoice that needs processing. On the "Purchase Invoice Basic Information" tab, the first thing visible is the invoice status history, indicating when the invoice arrived in the system. The invoice details display all pertinent information related to the invoice.

3. The first time an incoming purchase invoice is received from a particular supplier, it is necessary to add the VAT percentage, tax code, accounting, and any relevant cost center. In the future, the system can automatically suggest previously used accounting codes for the same products from the same supplier.
Attached to the incoming purchase invoice in the system is an attachment containing the invoice. The attachment can be found at the bottom of the purchase invoice under "Invoice Image / Attachments".
After processing the incoming purchase invoice, click the "Save" button at the bottom.

4. After processing the incoming purchase invoice, the invoice is first sent for inspection and then for approval. It is not mandatory to send the invoice for inspection; it can also be sent directly for approval if no inspector has been selected.
On the "Purchase Invoice Additional Information" tab, inspectors and approvers are visible according to default settings. If individuals are missing from this purchase invoice, it is possible to add them at this stage by clicking "Add Inspector" or "Add Approver".
To send the purchase invoice for inspection, click "Send for Inspection". This action sends the invoice to the inspector if one is defined. If no inspector is assigned to the purchase invoice, the "Send for Inspection" function sends the invoice directly for approval to the approver.