Instructions - WiseSales: WiseSign - Electronic Signature for Contracts

WiseSign is used for contract management. Requesting a signature from the customer electronically is easy.

1. If needed, create a new contract in the system.

New Contract

Or select the desired contract from the contract listing by clicking on the contract number.

2. Once the created contract is saved in the system, the "signatures" tab will appear for it.

Click on the "Create signable contract" -button on the signatures tab.

3. Enter the name and description of the contract to be signed in the pop-up window that appears. Additionally, indicate how long the contract will be available for signature.

Click "OK".

4. The contract can be sent for signature by clicking the "Send sign invitations" button.

5. From the pop-up window that appears, select the individuals to whom the contract is to be sent for signature, then click "Send".

6. The following actions can also be performed on the Signatures tab:

  • From the "Edit" -button, you can modify the name, description, and last signing date of the contract to be signed.
  • From the "Add a signatory" -button, you can add additional signers to the contract.
  • From the "Insert a document" -button, you can add documents as attachments to the contract.

Note! Once the contract to be signed has been created, any changes made to the contract in the system's contract management will not update the contract to be signed.

If changes need to be made to the contract before sending it for signature, the contract to be signed must be deleted and recreated.

To delete the contract to be signed, click "Edit" on the "Signatures" tab. Then, in the pop-up window, select "Delete signable contract".