Instructions - WiseSales: Modifying Cash Registers

Through cash management, for instance, each of the company's different branches can define their own customized cash registers. See the instructions for modifying cash registers.

Instructions for Editing Cash Registers

The titles of cash register category groups (= black menu) and the products listed beneath them can be added, removed, and edited from the system's administration panel.

1. Editing cash registers is done on the system's administration side by selecting:

"Pos layouts"

Adding Product Categories (Product Groups)

2. Constructing cash register views begins with product categories (product groups).

Navigate to the "categories" tab.

You can create a new product category by clicking:
"Add category."

3. Define the category name, background and text color, as well as the icon. Click:


Adding products under categories

4. Next, we define the products under the product category.

Click on the desired product category to expand it from its name.

5. The products to be added under the category are searched for by the product name and are directly retrieved from the system's product management.

Click on:

"Add product to grid."

Confirm the changes by clicking:


6. Once the desired product buttons are added, they can be rearranged by dragging and dropping, and custom color codes can be assigned to them.

Note: If there are many products, there may be multiple product pages under the product category.

After making the changes, remember to click "Save".

Constructing and Editing Cash Registers

After creating product categories and adding products to them, let's proceed to build the cash register.

Each cash register can be configured to display specific product categories. For instance, a restaurant's cash register might display categories for food and beverages.

8. Navigate to the "Cash Registers" tab.
Existing cash registers can be edited by clicking on the name of the cash register.

If needed, you can create a new cash register by selecting.

→ "Add pos layouts".

WiseNetwork activates new cash registers for use, so please contact us if you wish to have a new cash register set up.

9. Select the desired product categories for the cash register by dragging them from the right-hand column to the left.

Once the categories are selected, click "Save".

10. Under the 'Checkout' heading, you'll find all the available checkout counters.

By clicking 'Settings,' you can access checkout settings

11. "In the checkout settings, you'll define, among other things, which receipt printer and payment terminal each checkout counter is connected to.

Finally, click on “Save”.

All changes made in the administration are immediately visible at the checkout when the page is refreshed.