Instructions - WiseMarketing: Minimum Number of Participants for an Event and Automatic Cancellation

For events, you can set an automatic cancellation time: if there are not enough participants, a notification of the event's cancellation is automatically sent to those who have registered.

1. The setting for an event's automatic cancellation is defined in event management under the "Event Details" tab. There is a specific section for this feature named "Cancel event if there is not enough attendees". In this section, you specify the time for the event's cancellation (sending of the cancellation message) and the required minimum number of participants.

If the specified cancellation time is reached and the event has not received the required minimum number of participants, the event is automatically cancelled (meaning cancellation messages are automatically sent to those who have registered).

2. If the event is cancelled, an email and a push notification through the application are sent to all who have already registered (if the company has an application in use). The same message is also sent to the event's responsible persons.

The default email message is brief: "[Event name] [Date and time] has been cancelled."

The push notification sent to the application is similar.

Note: Please contact WiseNetwork support if you want to format the cancellation message yourself in the article.

If you want your own "event cancellation message template" for use, first create an article in the system's article management according to the instructions below, and then notify our support service with the details of the article (e.g., the link to the article). From every view in the Admin management, you can find a "support" symbol (a person with headphones), where you can leave a message for our support service.

3. Editable Article Template
It is possible to create a customizable template for the email cancellation notification. This is done by creating a new article in the article management system. The text of the article can use the following variables:

  • Event name: [activityName]
  • Date: [activityDate]
  • Day of the week: [activityDay]
  • Start time: [activityStartTime]
  • Recipient's name (in the format First Name Last Name): [customerName]


The article must record the event details exactly in the format mentioned above for them to function correctly. The system will automatically replace these placeholders with the actual event details in the message.

Example of a Message to be Created in the Article

The main title of the article automatically becomes the subject of the email.
The article's title could be, for example: Event [activityName] Cancelled

Dear [customerName],

Unfortunately, we have to cancel the event [activityName] on [activityDay] [activityDate] at [activityStartTime], as the minimum number of participants for the event was not met. We apologize for the inconvenience!

We hope to be able to organize a similar event soon in the future.

Best regards,

Article Settings

The article's settings must be configured so that it is public and hidden from search engines.