Instructions - WiseMarketing: Limiting the event listing by event venue

Step-by-step instructions on how to limit the event listing by event venue.

1. Go to the system's admin side




2. ​​​​​​​Select the desired event venue and open it by clicking on the venue name.

3. ​​​​​​​Open the "Associated persons" tab, select a person, and assign them the "Staff" role. Please note that this role is different from the role added to the person's profile. Click Add and Save.

4. Verify the person's role

​​​​​​​The person's system role settings should be as follows:

Events → Restricted
Event Venues → No

With these settings, the person will only see events for the specific event venue in the event listing. Additionally, they will be able to create events only for that particular venue.

For more detailed instructions on managing roles, click here.