See instructions on how to create a new event and fill in its basic information.
On the "Event Details" tab, you will give the event a name, write a description, and set the start and end times, as well as the event location. At this stage, you will also set up any thank-you messages and email confirmations for participation.
You will also prepare the event registration page at this stage.
In the next step, you will create the invitation and add invitees.
1. To create a new event in the Event Tool, navigate from the administration side of the system by selecting:
→ "Marketing"
→ "Events"
A new event is added by clicking at the top of the page:
→ "Add Event"
Event details tab
2. Completing the Event Information
Fill in the basic information of the new event on the "Event Details" tab.
Description Fields
- "Short Description" field
- Here, briefly write the event details. The information entered here can be chosen to be displayed, for example, when creating a "featured event" in an article on a website.
- "Description" field
- Here, write the actual description of the event, which will be displayed on the registration page.
In the Description field, in addition to the event description text, it's advisable to include the event's date and time, address and location details, parking instructions, and other important information, if these are not set to automatically appear on the registration page.
Event Date / Date Fields
Note: The event dates do not automatically appear on the event registration page. The dates will appear, for example, in the events calendar on the website if the event is set to public.
- "Doors Open"
- If it is possible to enter the event venue/area before the start of the actual event, add the opening time of the doors here. This field can also be left blank.
- "Event Starts"
- Add the event date and starting time to this field. The starting time determines whether the event is listed under upcoming or past events.
- "Event Ends"
- Add the event date and ending time to this field. The ending time should be later than the starting time.
Minimum Number of Participants and Automatic Cancellation for the Event
An event can have a set minimum number of participants and can be automatically canceled if this minimum number is not met.
The system will automatically send a cancellation message to all registered participants if there are not enough attendees.
Event Location Details / Address Fields
Note: The event address and location details do not automatically appear on the event registration page. Location details will appear, for example, in the event calendar on the website if the event is set to public, and in the registration confirmation email if it is set to be sent.
- "Location"
- Enter the name of the event location in the field.
- "Address"
- Enter the address of the event location in the field.
- "Event Instructions"
- If event instructions are written in the field, they will be automatically included in the event registration confirmation message.
Link Fields
- "Link"
- In the upper link field, you can search for an article in the system if a separate article has been created for the event. The event title can be linked to the article from, for example, the event calendar or in "event highlights" made in the article.
- "Registration Link"
- If registration for the event takes place on a page/system other than WisePlatform, add the link to the registration page in this field.
Other Event Details
- Tickets are Sold
Select from the drop-down menu whether tickets are sold for the event (online store or internally) or not.
"No" = No tickets are sold for the event.
"Online Store" = The event is linked to a product and can be selected when purchasing the product from the online store.
"Internally" = The event can be selected when making a product order from the management, but the event is not available in the online store.
- Registration Form
Select from the drop-down menu whether you want to accept registrations for the event through the system's registration form.
"Yes" = A registration page is created for the event, and its link is included in the invitation.
"No" = Registrations for the event are not accepted through the system's registration form.
- Invitation Only
Use the drop-down menu to determine if the event is intended for invitees only or if anyone can participate.
"Yes" = Only those individuals (found in the system's CRM) who have been sent an invitation through the system can register for the event.
"No" = Anyone can fill in the required information on the registration form and register/participate in the event.
- Contains nultiple performances
"No" = If the event does not include multiple presentations, select "No."
"Yes" = If the event includes multiple presentations and you want to specify detailed times for each, select "Yes." The "Yes" selection adds a separate "Presentations" tab to the event, where you can add the presentations included in the event.
- Email Confirmation
Select from the drop-down menu who should receive the confirmation email for event registration.
"No one" = No email confirmation is sent for registration.
"Participant" = The registration confirmation is sent only to the participant who registered for the event.
"Responsible Persons" = The registration confirmation is sent only to the responsible persons listed in the event's basic information.
"Both" = The registration confirmation email is sent to both the participant and the responsible persons for the event.
- Example of Email Confirmation
The confirmation message sent to participants registering for the event is automatically generated, and its formatting cannot be customized. The adjacent image provides an example of which details from the event's basic information page will appear in the confirmation notification.
- Set the thank you message
You can define the thank you message of your choice in the text field, which the event registrant will see in a pop-up window in their browser immediately after registering for the event.
- Feedback Survey
If a feedback syrvey has been pre-made using the system's data collection tool for the event, the correct feedback survey will be retrieved from the system.
The feedback survey can be attached to the invitation with the "Feedback Link" element, which will automatically link and direct to the page to fill it out.
- Assigned Persons
Assign responsible persons for the event by searching for them in the system's CRM.
The assigned persons can be sent, among other things, an email confirmation of event registrations (see section on email confirmation).
- Participant Capacity
A maximum number of participants can be set for the event. Once the set participant capacity is reached, no more registrations will be accepted.
If you do not want to limit the number of participants, set the value to zero (0).
If you want the event to be displayed in the event listing but do not want to accept registrations for it, you can set the value to minus one (-1).
- Calendar Visibility
Set from the dropdown menus which system calendars the event should be visible in.
"None" = The event is not visible in any calendar.
"Personal" = The event is visible only to the creator and other responsible persons in their personal calendars.
"Shared Work Calendar" = The event is visible in the internal staff calendar on the CRM side.
"Public" = The event is visible, for example, in an event calendar embedded on the website.
- Tag to be add to enroller
If you want to add a common tag to those registered for the event, write the tag(s) in this field.
A common tag facilitates, for example, post-event marketing and contact segmentation.
- Allow multienrollment
"Yes" = The same person can join the event more than once. By accepting multiple registrations, a contact can, for example, register on behalf of another person.
"No" = A person can register for the event only once.
- Ask for Companion Info
"Yes" = The system will automatically add a section to the registration form asking if a companion will also attend the event.
"No" = The registration form will not ask for companion information.
Note: If companion information is requested, the "maximum number of participants per registration" should be set to 2.
- Queue
"Yes" = Queue is enabled. If the event's participant capacity is full, individuals will be placed in a queue where they can be promoted to registered status if someone cancels.
"No" = Queue is not enabled.
- Event registration exipration date
Select the calendar date by which participants must register for the event.
Custom questions tab
- Information Asked During Registration
On the "Custom Questions" tab, you define the questions that you want to ask participants on the registration page for the event.
Clicking on the pencil icon of the "Personal Information" element, for example, allows you to specify which personal information to ask (such as address, country, date of birth, gender, phone number, job title, personal identification number).
Using the content editor on the right side, you can add text or different types of questions to the form.
- Previewing the Registration Page
If you want to preview the registration page, you can do so by navigating to the tab
→ "Custom Questions"
and clicking
→ "Preview"
at the top of the page.
This will open the registration page for preview.
3.Finally, save the event. It's recommended to save periodically, even while completing the details.
The basic information for the event is now filled out, and the information and questions displayed on the registration form are defined.
Next, proceed to prepare the event invitation.