Instructions - WiseEconomy: Exporting Payroll Data to the Tax Administration

The system sends payroll information reports to the Tax Administration from paid salaries.

1.The earnings reports are sent from payroll invoices, which are located in Economy → Salaries → Payroll Invoices.

It is possible to send the earnings reports directly from the system to the Tax Administration individually. This is a convenient option when there are fewer employees.

To do this, open the employee's payroll invoice and click on the 'Process Invoice' button at the bottom left, then select 'Send earnings report to the Tax Administration'. This way, the system sends the payroll information report directly to the Tax Administration, and the status of the invoice in the system changes to “exported to the Tax Administration”.

2. If you want to download the earnings reports immediately after payroll processing, select “Payment sent” from the status column in the list of payroll invoices. If the earnings reports are downloaded after the payments have already been made to the employees' accounts, then select “Paid” in the status column.

Select all the payroll invoices for which you want to download the earnings reports and click on the 'AR reports' button highlighted in green.

3. Afterward, send the earnings reports to the user's registered email address. Download the files from the email as a .zip file and then extract the .zip file to another folder. This allows you to upload the files to the Tax Administration.
Next, go to the Tax Administration's website:

  • Log in to the Tax Administration's website.
  • Select “Download Service” from the homepage.
  • Choose the earnings reports that were downloaded to your computer from the email and upload them to the Tax Administration.
  • Navigate to view the company's information in the Tax Administration. The uploaded reports will be available under the company's details after a moment.