Instructions - WiseEconomy: Comparing Periods Data in Income Statement and Balance Sheet

Different periods can be compared in the income statement and balance sheet either within the same year or between different years.
Comparison can also be done as a fiscal year comparison, for example, 2021 and 2022 side by side, or by quarters.

1. Select the desired period, for example, 01.01.2022-31.03.2022.

2. Click the gear icon and select "monthly" to display the selected months side by side.

3. After that, open the income statement at the account group level by clicking the plus sign or selecting "Open all" from the gear icon.

4. Finally, select "Show/hide difference" from the gear icon to display the differences (changes) between the compared periods.

Comparison of the same month from two different years (income statement and balance sheet).

1. Navigate to the administrative side of the system:
→ Economy
→ Accountancy
→ Reports
→ Income Statement

First, select the time period, for example, 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2022.
→ Click "search".

2. Set the time for the comparison period. In this example, it would be 1.1.2021 – 31.1.2021, when comparing the same months from different years.

→ Click "search" to display the comparison periods side by side.

3. Open the income statement either by account groups using the plus sign or by clicking "Open all" from the gear icon.

4. If you want to see the differences between the periods, click "show/hide differences" from the gear icon.