Instructions - WiseDeal: Campaign Invoicing

Campaigns can create agreements where the company covers part of individuals' invoices.

1. To initiate campaign invoicing, individuals need to be first associated with the company in the CRM.

CRM -> Contacts -> Persons -> Open person's CRM profile

From the bottom left corner of the profile, click "Add" -> Associate with Company -> Select the company from the popup window -> OK.

After this, the profile will display which company the individual is associated with.

Navigate to the Contracts section, where an existing contract is opened or a new one is created.

2. Completing Contract Information

Add an individual to the contract and then associate a company. Fill in the required contract details and save and approve it.

3. Setting up campaign information:

Open the contract's invoicing tab, where you'll find the campaign details. The campaign is managed from the "Campaign Code" field. Only contracts with the same code allocate the company's portion to the company invoice.

The company's share per invoice is determined by a contract-specific percentage or a fixed amount.

The campaign only works if the invoicing recurrence is set to "recurring."

Once the campaign details are set, save the contract.

Example setup:

Campaign Code: Wisenet
Company's Share: 50% or €15.00

4. Invoices generated by the contract:

The contract automatically generates invoices based on the contract details and the provided campaign information.

In this example, the individual receives a monthly invoice of €15.00, and the company receives a €15.00 invoice as well.

Invoices addressed to individuals are automatically sent and are in the "Scheduled" status.

NOTE! In campaign invoicing, invoices sent to the company never go out automatically. They are created as "Draft" and must be manually sent. This is because invoices sent to the company can gather shares from multiple contracts using the same campaign code (in the example, "Wisenet"). The code's spelling must be identical on each contract.

Invoices sent to the company accumulate shares from contracts until they are sent. After that, the system generates a new invoice for the company, and the same process repeats.

5. The invoice addressed to the company, generated as part of the campaign, can be conveniently found in the system's list of sales invoices.

Accounting -> Sales Invoices -> Sales Invoices -> Search for sales invoices by the company's name -> Open the invoice by clicking on it.

6. Reviewing and sending the invoice addressed to the company:

From the invoice processing history, you can see from which contract the invoice was generated.

To view the names of customers whose contracts have contributed shares to the campaign invoice, click on the gear icon and select "description." The customer's name can be checked in the invoice description field.

To send the invoice to the company, click "Send."