Instructions - WiseCRM: Person Card

On an persons's card, you can find all the information about the person added to the CRM. Person contact details are edited from the person card.

Person card

The person card contains all the information about the person added to the system in one place. You can open the person card using the following path:

→ Contacts
→ People
→ Click on the person card by name

  • You can also open the person card by clicking on the person's name on the 'People' listing page or in any other section of the system.
  • On the person card, you can find all details of an person contact in the CRM (e.g., contact information, roles, and tags). In this view, you can make changes to the person's information.

1. Person Tab

On the Person tab, you can edit the basic information and contact details of the individual.

Basic Information
  • The person card contains the basic information of the person, which can be edited in this view.
  • In the basic information, you can add or remove fields shown in this view using the cogwheel icon.
  • An important field in the basic information is the 'Tags' field. Tags allow for precise grouping of person contacts, facilitating targeted communication, for example."

Mailing Lists

  • In the Mailing Lists section, you can view all mailing lists to which an individual is attached.
  • Here, it is also possible to add individuals to previously created manual mailing lists (+ icon) and remove individuals from them (trash bin icon). Note: We do not recommend maintaining manually updated mailing lists.
  • The best and recommended way to manage email distribution lists is to create mailing lists based on tags. This can be done in the system under Marketing → Email Marketing → Mailing Lists.

Instructions for creating mailing lists >>

User Information

  • The User Information section is visible on the individual card only when the person is registered as a user in the system (they have a username and password for the service).
  • In the User Information section, you can see the roles assigned to the person.
  • In this section, you can also change the person's username by updating the email address in the username field.

Contact Information

In the Contact Information section, you can see the contact details entered into the system. Contact information can be edited in this view. Changes made should be saved by clicking the 'Save' button.
Using the cogwheel icon, you can determine which fields are visible in the contact details.

Linked companies

  • If a person is linked to any company or companies, this is visible on the individual card below the contact information section.
  • You can link a person to a company through the "Add" button in the fixed bar at the bottom of the individual card.

Instructions for linking a person to a company >>

More Button

In the fixed bar at the bottom of the page, you will find the 'More' button, which provides the following functions:

  • Link to Company: Associates the person with the company's information. For example, staff members can be linked to the company here.
  • Invite Person as a User: The button is visible when the person has not yet registered as a user in the system.
  • Additional Information Field: Allows you to add custom fields to the individual card's basic information.
  • Edit Image: Lets you add a picture to the person.
  • Send Password Reset Link: For registered users, this button can be used to send a password reset link if they have forgotten their password.

2. Activities Tab

On the Activities tab, you can see a list of all activities associated with the person in the system. These activities may include various events, data collection forms, or sales invoices. Many activities are generated automatically through different system functions, but they can also be added manually.

  • Using the 'Add New' button, you can add a new activity for the person. Activities can include:
    • Phone Call
    • Email
    • Meeting
    • Video Conference
    • Task
    • Note
    • Quote
    • Order
    • Contract
    • Contract Proposal
  • You can use the cogwheel icon to add or remove displayed columns.
  • At the bottom of the page, you can select the number of results to be displayed and change the page.

3. Communication Tab

On the communication tab, you can view messages delivered to the person, sent through the system's email marketing tool. The list also provides information on the number of opens and clicks for each.

4. Pivacy tab

5. Billing Tab

(visible only if the person has a customer number)

  • On the Billing tab, you can add a billing email to the person's billing information if the invoice needs to be sent to a different email than the one listed on the Basic Information tab. This might be relevant, for example, if the customer is a minor, and the invoice should be sent to a parent's email.
  • The default billing method for a person is always email in the system. On the Billing tab, you can change the billing method; for instance, if you want to send the invoice by mail, you can choose 'Print Service.'
  • If your company uses consumer e-invoicing, the details from the order will be automatically transferred to the system when the customer orders an e-invoice through their online banking. The information is transferred when the customer sets up the e-invoice in their online bank.

6. Supplier Tab

  • On the Supplier tab, you can set up a bank account to which, for example, a person's salaries are directed in the system. More details on this can be found in the section on salaries.