Instructions - WiseCRM: Creating and Managing Roles

Instructions for creating new roles and defining viewing and usage rights for roles.

What are roles? Roles can be used to define different user rights in the system. For example, company staff may have access to only certain system functions, or customers/partners may have rights only to read/modify certain articles on the website.

First, a role is created in the system, and then the rights specific to each role's needs are defined behind it. This could involve setting up administrative access rights or determining viewing rights on the website.

Note! Setting up roles requires that a person has been invited as a user of the system, meaning they have personal credentials for the service.

Creating a new role

1. In the system's administrative interface:
→ "Settings"
→ "Roles"
→ "Role Management"

Click at the top of the page
→ "Add Role"

2.Enter the name of the role to be added and press "Add Role."

The role has now been added to the system.

Click on the desired role to open it and define its permissions.

3. Next, assign the appropriate permissions to the role.

Depending on the role, permissions can include administrative access and editing rights on the system's backend or simply viewing rights to specific content on the website.

Setting User Permissions on the System's Backend (for Staff)

When permissions are set for a role in role management, that role can perform these functions in the system's administration panel.

Roles are used to determine which functions/tools the company's staff can view/edit/use in the system's administration panel.

In the left column (module name), the system functions for which permissions can be set are listed.

In the other columns, you can define the permissions granted to the role for these functions. Depending on the extent of the permissions, this could range from view-only rights to full edit rights.

Explanation of Permissions:

Access: User has the right only to view information.
Listing: User has the right to view various listing views in the system.
Input: User has the right to input data into the system.
Editing: User has the right to edit existing data in the system.
Deletion: User has the right to delete data from the system.
Import: User has the right to import data into the system as a bulk operation.
Export: User has the right to export data from the system as a bulk operation.

Explanation of Markings:

Not Set: Permission has not been defined, and the user does not have the right.
Yes: Permission is set.
Inherited: Reflects the choice made at the root of the module.
No: No permission.
Restricted: Right only to data where the user is the owner.

Note: In conflicting situations between roles, Yes is stronger than Not Set, but No is stronger than Yes.

Home Page Viewing Rights Definition (for Customers)

When assigning viewing rights to a role, users with that role can only view content on the website intended for that specific target audience (role).

1. To grant viewing rights to specific content, create an "empty" role. This means leaving all sections in the permission management in the "not set" state.
Do not make any changes to the Permissions tab.

2. The contents for which you want to grant viewing rights to specific roles are configured through the system's website article management.

Navigate to the article's editing mode by selecting "Edit."

3. In the content editor's "Settings" box, there is a section called "Viewing rights," where all the roles that should have viewing rights to the respective page/article are added.


When the role is created, and permissions are set, the next step is to determine the individuals who should have access to the role. See the instructions below on the various ways roles can be added to users.