Instructions - WiseCRM: Adding Roles to System Users

Instructions on how roles can be used to define different permissions for users in the system.

What are roles? Roles can be used to define different user permissions in the system. For example, company staff may have access only to certain system functions, or customers/partners may have specific rights assigned, such as reading/editing certain articles on the website.

Who are roles added for?

Roles can be added for any registered users of the system. Typically, role management is used in cases such as:

  • Different roles are created for staff, specifying which information they can see and edit on the system's administrative side.
  • A role is created for the company's board, allowing access to content intended only for the board to view in the system.
  • Roles are created for customers, granting them access to view content intended for a specific registered group (e.g., different member content).
  • A role is created for a partner (e.g., an external coach/consultant), providing access to examine the content of a specific article/survey, for example.

Actions before adding roles

Note! When adding roles to a user in the system, the following actions should be performed in the following order:

  1. The person must be found in the CRM / added to the CRM.
  2. A user invitation is sent to the person to register for the service.
  3. The desired roles must be created in role management.
  4. The roles are added to the system's users.

Instructions for adding roles to system users

Roles can be added to users in four different ways:

  • Through the person's card
  • Through role management
  • Through product cards in the online store
  • Through the search tool (especially for mass additions)


Note: Editing roles follows the same process as adding them.

Method 1. Adding Roles Through the Person's Card

1. In the system's administrative interface:

→ Select "CRM"
→ Choose "Contacts"
→ Click on "Persons"

→ Locate the desired person in the system using search filters and open the person's card by clicking on their name.

2. After that, on the person's card:
→ Below the "User Information" box, you'll find the field "Roles."

→ Enter the person's roles here (Note! Roles must be created in role management before adding them to the person).

→ Finally, click "Save."
The person now has the assigned role/roles.

Method 2. Adding Roles Through Role Management:

1. Roles can be assigned to individuals through the system's role management:

→ "Settings"
→ "Roles"
→ "Role Management"

Select the role from the list under which individuals should be assigned.

2. Go to the "Persons" tab:

→ From the top, select "Add person."

3. Enter the person's name in the appearing field and select them from the list.

The specified role has now been added to the person.

Method 3. Adding a Role Through the Online Store Product Card

Adding roles through the online store product card is recommended whenever you want roles to be automatically updated for individuals based on their purchases. This way, different membership roles, for example, can be automatically updated for individuals.

1. Roles can be set to apply automatically to individuals through the online store product card:

→ "Sales"
→ "Products"
→ "Products

→ Find the desired product card in the system using search filters and open the product card by clicking on its name.

2. In the basic information of the product card, locate the section "Roles," and in the "for the customer" field underneath, enter the roles to be added.

Roles can also be automatically removed (enter the roles to be removed in the "from the customer" field).

Method 4. Adding a Role Through the Search Tool

The CRM search tool is useful when you want to add a specific role to multiple contacts at once.

1. Navigate to the CRM's person search tool by selecting in the system's administrative interface:

→ "CRM"
→ "Contacts"
→ "Persons”

Choose "Search Tool" from the top of the page.

2. Use the search criteria to filter the list of person contacts to those individuals to whom you want to add a specific role. Click on:

→ "Actions" and from there
→ "Add Role"