Instructions - WiseCMS: Managing Website Sliders

You can add, remove, and edit sliders on the homepage from the administration.

1.To manage sliders on the homepage, navigate to the system's administration panel by selecting

→ "CMS"
→ "Content"

→ "Sliders"

Click on

"Add Slider" to add a new slider.

2. Slider Title and Text

Add a title and text to the slider, which will appear on the homepage according to the specified styles (for example, below or on top of the image).

Note: If the slider image already contains text, and you don't want a title and text to appear on the page, leave these fields blank.

3. Slider Link and Link Button

If you want the slider to lead to another page, add the address of that page to the "link" field.

If you want the link to appear as a button in the slider, type the desired text into the "button text" field. You can also leave this field blank, in which case the entire slider image will act as the link.

4. Slider Visibility Duration

The visibility duration of the slider determines how many seconds one slider should be visible before the next one appears.

Visibility duration 5000 = 5000 ms = 5 s

Note: The visibility duration can be changed, but it must be the same for all sliders.

5. Slider Image

Click on

→ "Add Image" and select the desired slider image from the files.

Note: If desired, you can add the image as the first step when filling in slider details.

The recommended image size for the slider is 1600 x 700 px.

6. Alternative Text for the Image (Alt Text)

Write a descriptive text about the image in the field.

Alt texts are related to website accessibility and search engine optimization. Their purpose is to inform and describe to the reader what the image represents. This is beneficial if the image fails to load for some reason or if the reader is using a screen reader.

Alt text is not directly visible to website visitors and is different from the actual, visible image caption.

7. Once all the slider information has been added, click

→ "Save"

You can schedule the slider to appear within a specific time frame with minute precision.

If the "Start Visibility" field is left blank, the slider will be displayed immediately. If the "Visible Until" field is left blank, the slider will be visible indefinitely.

A slider can be completely removed from the system or set to "not visible."


→ Click on the trash can icon on the right for the desired slider.

Changing Visibility

→ Click once on the "visible" button on the left for the desired slider, changing it to "not visible."
→ Click "Save"

Click on the arrow pointing up or down on the left side of the desired slider, moving the slider either up or down in the sequence.

→ Finally, click "Save."

Homepage sliders can also include videos. You can add a video to your homepage slider using YouTube or Vimeo.

Below are templates showing how to input the links into the "Video embed url" field. Replace [VIDEO ID] with the ID of your desired video. In YouTube, the video ID is the sequence of letters found at the end of the video URL, while in Vimeo, it's a numerical sequence.

YouTube[VIDEO ID]?&autoplay=1&playlist=[VIDEO ID]&rel=0&controls=1&showinfo=0&loop=1&iv_load_policy=3&enablejsapi=1&mute=1

Vimeo[VIDEO ID]?h=[VIDEO ID]&&background=1&muted=1