Instructions - WiseCMS: Image Sizes for Articles

Instructions for WisePlatform Article Image Sizes.

Consistent Look with Images

Images are the most crucial element on the website when aiming to enhance visual appeal and maintain a consistent theme. High-quality images with sufficient resolution (72 ppi) that align with the website's topic form the foundation of web pages. It is beneficial for the images to represent a consistent theme throughout the entire site. Uniformity can be achieved through minor image processing, such as adding a similar colour palette to the images if desired.

Image Size and Aspect Ratio

Article Images

In WisePlatform, the recommended width for images added to the website is 1600 px. An image of this width works equally well for article images as well as sliders. In other words, it is advisable to upload images to the publishing system at this width whenever possible. In the system's article management, the size of images can be influenced, for example, by adjusting column widths.

When considering the height of images, it's essential to maintain consistent aspect ratios throughout the site. If there is text next to an image, the height of the image should mirror the height of the adjacent text. Similarly, if there are multiple images side by side in different columns on the site, their heights should be proportional.

For articles, we often recommend using images with a 16:9 aspect ratio. This is because in features like article highlights (where an article element is added within the content editor), the system automatically scales the image to this aspect ratio. This ensures that the entire image is visible in article highlights without any cropping. Therefore, a 1600 x 900 px image is a good choice for various locations on the pages.

E-commerce Images

Square images, preferably with an aspect ratio of 800 x 800 px, work best for e-commerce. This ensures that nothing is cropped or stretched in the image.

File Format

In addition to image size and resolution, it's essential to consider the image file format. Especially for larger images that include text, it is advisable to save them in the PNG format rather than JPEG. This ensures that text remains sharp and clear.