Instructions - WiseCMS: Defining Content Viewing Rights

The website allows the creation of pages with viewing rights based on roles. This enables the creation of content intended only for specific groups, such as members. ​​​​​​​

When viewing rights are assigned to a role, users with that role can only see content on the website intended for that specific target group.

Viewing rights can only be assigned to individuals who are registered users of the service (individuals with a username and password for the service).

Note: The role must be created before assigning viewing rights. See detailed instructions here.​​​​​​​

1. To create viewing rights for specific content, create an "empty" role, meaning that in the management of role permissions, all fields are left in the "not set" state.

No changes are made to the Permissions tab.

2. Add individuals to the role who should have access to that role.

You can add a role in several parts of the system:

  • In Role Management
  • On the CRM personnel card
  • Through the online store product card (the role is updated for the person automatically when they purchase, for example, a membership).

3. Contents for which access is to be granted only to specific roles are configured through the system's website article management.

Navigate to the article editing mode by selecting "Edit."

4. In the article content editor, under the "Settings" box, there is a section called "Viewing premissions," where all the roles that should have viewing rights to the specific page/article are added.

5. If alternative content is desired for those individuals who do not have access to the specific page (instead of displaying the "No viewing rights" text), click on the "Choose article" button that appears under the viewing rights section. Select the article from the system's article management that should be displayed to visitors without access to the page.