Instructions - WiseBill: Purchase Invoice Accounting Allocation

Record the transaction from the purchase invoice into the accounting system.

All system reports and calculations rely on the taxable Sum field and the VAT % selection from the purchase invoice. Therefore, it is not mandatory to enter the tax-free Unit Price or Quantity on the invoice.

Add the required accounting details, namely:
VAT %, Sum, Tax Code, Accounting Allocation, Cost Center

These details can be entered only on the first line and copied either individually or all at once to other accounting lines using the "Copy from the first line" button.

If dealing with a supplier from whom purchase invoices have been received previously, the accounting allocation can be inferred from the invoice history using the "Accounting Suggestion" button. The system analyzes product lines from the supplier's past invoices to determine the accounting allocation. If the system is uncertain about some allocations, those fields will remain empty after the suggestion.

The product lines of the purchase invoice can also be transferred directly to the system's product management using the "Process invoice" menu's "Save products" function.