Instruction - WiseSales: Creating a ”Membership” -Product in the Online Store

Check out the instructions on how to add memberships for sale in the online store.


  • It's important to double-check all settings when creating a new product (or editing an existing one). The sales account and/or cost center in accounting can easily be left outdated.
  • The campaign should always begin by assessing whether it's necessary to create a separate campaign product or not (you can always request an opinion from Wise's customer service if desired)
  • Most membership-type products automatically form a contract for the individual regardless of the sales channel through which the product is sold.

1. Let's move to the system's administrative side and select

→” Sales”
→” Products”
→” Products”

Create a new product card for the online store by clicking on the top of the page.

→” Add product”.

2. Let's name the new product, for example, "Membership Adults," and select "Membership" from the dropdown menu as the product type.

→” Add product”.

The name given to the product appears in all sales channels exactly as it is.

2.1. Basic Information
Set the visibility of the product card in the basic information section.

  • Choose whether the product card is visible in the online store (under "visibility").
  • Select whether the product card appears on the homepage in the element intended for online store products. Activation requires contacting Wise Network support (under "display on homepage").
  1. If desired, you can set a publication date for the product card (when the product becomes visible to customers) as well as a last expiration date, regulating the period during which the product is visible in the online store.

Other fields in the basic information section:

  • Name: appears in all sales channels exactly as it is, can be edited at any time.
  • EAN code: can be used with a barcode scanner.
  • Unit: In membership and subscription-type products, it comes according to the recurrence of the contract's payment, but in other products, it can be self-determined (e.g., pieces, once).
  • Publication Date: When the product becomes visible to customers (preview also available only after the publication date has passed).
  • Expiration Date: When the product is removed from customers' visibility (preview also disappears).
  • Require Personal Identification Number: Can be defined on a product-specific basis to determine whether the buyer needs to enter a Personal Identification Number in the online store to make a purchase.
  • Additional Order Form: Can be linked to a pre-created data collection form to be sent to the buyer of the product (activation requires contacting Wise support).

2.2. Product Descriptions

Let's write a product description where we can talk about, for example.

  • what does membership mean?
  • to tell about membership benefits
  • How long is the membership valid for?

Short description = Appears next to the image on the online store as a brief introductory text. Also visible, if desired, in the admin panel under product management listings in the short description column (Sales → Products → Products).

Product Description = Appears on the online store as a longer introductory text under its own” product description” -tab. It's advisable to thoroughly detail the contents of the membership in the description to provide the buyer with the best possible understanding of the product.

Technical Specifications = The text entered in this field will appear on its own” technical specifications” -tab on the online store.

Additional Information for Order Confirmation = If additional information is desired to be included in the order confirmation email sent to the customer, it is written in this field.

Link = A link is added to this field if you want to redirect the customer from the product card to somewhere else.

Billing Description = If any additional billing-related information is to be included on the customer's invoice.

2.3. Setting up the Accounting Account

If you are using Wise Platform’s financial management tools, it is important to assign an accounting account to the product being sold, where all sales of that particular product will be directed. If the accounting account is missing, the sales receipts will be incomplete.

In the product card, there is a section called 'accounting'. Click on the displayed company name there.

The desired accounting account can be added to the product by searching for it either by name or by the accounting account number.

2.4. Membership Settings

First, select the” membership type” from the dropdown menu. The fields for membership settings will change according to the selection made.

Continuous: an ongoing agreement billed at the chosen recurrence until the contract is set to end.

Fixed-Term: a product with a set contract period, where the formed contract ends. For example, a 3-month card billed monthly.

Fixed-Term + Continuous: A product with a fixed contract period that continues indefinitely after the fixed term, billing at the chosen recurrence unit (week, month, or year). For example, 12 months, followed by a monthly recurrence.

Prepaid: paid in advance, where the customer selects the quantity of a defined unit (day, week, month, year). For example, how many months they want to purchase. (NOTE! Does not form a contract, only an order and access right).

Fixed Prepaid: paid in advance, where both the unit (day, week, month, year) and the quantity are predetermined. For example, a 3-month card.

Quantitative amount: for example, a 10-card

Specific time period: a predetermined period of time is assigned to the product, which the customer purchases and during which the access rights are valid. For example, Father's Day week as a promotional product: valid from 4th to 10th of November.

Free trial: trial session with a pin code (requires pin code readers).

2.5. Price Information

We set the selling price and tax class for the product (membership).

The system automatically calculates the tax-free price based on the provided information.

You can add a discount to the product by clicking the 'Add discount' button.

Setting a discounted price for a product >>

Note: If you want to create memberships with different membership fees, create a separate product card for each (copy the product card and change the name, price, and other necessary details). For example: Adult Membership, Junior Membership, 6-Month Membership, 12-Month Membership.

2.6. Order Quantities

The “Order Quantities” -section is utilized, for example, in the case of campaign products as well as in free trial visits.

2.7. Categories (Adding the product to the online store menu)

When the product card is ready and set to be visible in the online store (section 2.1. basic information), it is then added to the desired menu item in the online store using categories.


→ "Add product to category”.

If the desired category hasn't been created yet, it will be created in the online store's category management (see the next section “online store categories”).

Categories allow you to group the products and services sold in the online store into coherent groups. For memberships, for example, you can create your own 'Memberships' section in the online store and add all memberships available for purchase here.

Online Store Categories (Menu)

The online store navigation is managed from the system administration panel at:


  • A new category is added from the “Add category” -button.
  • The visibility of categories is managed by checking the box at the end of the row.
  • The order of categories can be changed by “dragging and dropping”.

2.8. Tags

In the “Tags” -section, tags can be added to the product card, based on which they can be searched in the product listing.

In the “For Customer” -section, tags can be added that are intended to be added to the CRM for the person who purchases the respective product.

In the “From Customer” -section, tags can be added that are intended to be removed from the CRM for the person who purchases the respective product.

2.9. Roles

If you want the buyer of the product to be assigned a specific role directly in the system, you use the “Roles” -section.

In the “For Customer” -section, you add the role that you want to assign to the person when they purchase the respective product.

In the “From Customer” -section, you add the role that you want to be removed from the customer when they purchase the respective product.

2.10. Checkout Settings

The 'Checkout Settings' section is used if the product is also sold from a physical location through the Wise Platform’s point-of-sale system.

With this setting, you can determine whether, if multiple units of a product are purchased, each purchase appears on its own line or on a single line with the quantity indicated.

2.11. Visibility

When a product card is set to be displayed in the online store, by default, it is visible to all online store visitors.

If you want to restrict the visibility of the product card to a specific role created in the system (e.g., members), only check the roles in the visibility section for which you want the product to be visible.

3. Other tabs for the "Membership" product

On the tabs of the product card, various membership-related items are added and defined, such as product images and information related to orders.
Note that changes made on each tab must be saved separately by clicking the “Save” -button.

3.1. Images tab

Images related to the product are added on the images -tab.

  • Product images should be of high quality and showcase the features of the products comprehensively.
  • It would be beneficial to have multiple images of a single product displayed in the online store.
  • The system works best with square-shaped images (preferably with a resolution of 800 x 800 pixels), ensuring that nothing is cropped out or stretched from the original image.

Finally, save the changes made by clicking the "Save" -button.

3.2. Orders tab

On the “Orders” -tab of the product card, a summary of all orders placed for the product and any contracts formed will be displayed. This way, there is no need to separately check the system's orders for the product every time, as they can also be viewed from the product card.

3.3. Custom Questions tab

Customized questions can be added to the product, which will appear in the online store when purchasing the product.

Finally, save the changes made by clicking the “Save” -button.

3.4. Related Products tab

On the “Related Products” -tab, you can select products from the product management that are related to the product on this product card.

The system will highlight related products for the online store visitor when they browse products.

Finally, save the changes made by clicking the “Save” -button.

3.5. Access Rights tab

For membership-type products, access rights related to the product are always set.

Multiple access right categories can be selected for the product.

The selected access rights will be activated based on the product's selections.

3.6. Notes tab

On the “Notes” -tab, the company can write down various product-related matters and notes for its own reference. If notes have been added to the product card, this will be indicated in the title of the 'Notes' tab. Notes are for internal use only.

Finally, save the changes made by clicking the “Save” -button.

Remember to save the product card and ensure that it appears correctly in the online store.

Membership Management

Sold memberships can be viewed from the system administration panel in the section

→ “Orders”