Instruction - WiseMarketing: Email Marketing, Defining Recipients (Stage 3)

After the basic information of the email message has been filled in and the content of the message has been created and tested, the recipients of the message are defined (Stage 3).

On the "Recipients" tab of email marketing, the mailing group or groups to which the message is intended to be sent are determined.

Note: The mailing groups to which the message is to be sent should have been created in advance in the "Mailing Groups" section of email marketing.

1. Defining Recipients

When initiating a new email marketing campaign, the "Recipients" tab displays all the mailing groups created in the system.

Choose from the list the mailing group or groups to which the message is to be sent. Multiple mailing groups can be selected as well.

All mailing groups can be selected at once by checking the box at the top left corner.

If desired, the individuals on the mailing list can be further reviewed by clicking on the name of the mailing list. This action opens its details in a new tab.

After selecting the recipient groups, proceed to the next stage (Stage 4), where the message is either sent immediately or scheduled to be sent at a later time.