Instruction - WiseMarketing: Designing the Survey Form (Stage 2) | WiseNetwork Oy

Instruction - WiseMarketing: Designing the Survey Form (Stage 2)

The system's data collection tool enables the creation of both simple and complex surveys. This tool can be used for various purposes such as research studies, applications, order forms, competitions, and registrations.

First, refer to the instruction for creating a new data collection form and setting up basic settings. (Stage 1)

This instruction will guide you through the process of designing the survey using the editor. (Stage 2)

Finally, the completed survey can be embedded into an article on a website. (Stage 3)


  • The basic settings of the survey and the survey form itself can be completed and modified in any order (i.e., stages 1 and 2 can be done in any sequence).
  • You don’t need to complete the survey in one go; just remember to save your progress intermittently.
  • Thoroughly check the survey before sending it or making it public. Remember to preview it on mobile devices as well.
  • Some settings and elements, such as the selected question element, should not be changed once responses have been received.
  • Any typographical errors, for instance, in the thank-you message, email confirmation, or the wording of the questions, can be corrected even after the survey has been launched and is underway.

Designing the survey form with the editor

1. The survey is designed on the editor tab of the data collection tool. From the content editor on the right side, you can:

Drag different elements to the desired location on the content area of the survey form.

Click on the desired element, after which it will appear at the end of the form.

​​​​​​​2. Enter the text/question for the selected question type.

​​​​​​​3. By clicking on the pencil icon in an element, you can edit the settings for that particular question. The number of settings available varies by question type.

4. For each question, you will at least find the following settings:

Data Retention Period from Response (how long the responses are stored in the system)

  • Forever
  • Three months
  • Six months

Required (whether answering the question is mandatory)

Finally, remember to click

→ "Set"

​​​​​​​5. Once all questions and the survey content are finalized, click

→ "Save".

It's advisable to save your progress periodically throughout the survey creation process.

6. The survey form can be previewed at any stage by clicking

→ "Preview"

Note: The URL of the preview page also serves as a link to the survey if you choose not to embed it in an article on your website but instead want to share it using just a link.

Survey form elements

In the data collection editor, the elements of the questionnaire are divided into three groups:

1. Questions

Select the format in which you want to ask questions to the respondents (using different question elements, you can provide ready-made answer options, open-ended questions, a linear scale, etc.)

2. Content

You can add images or text to the form.

3. Functions

Add respondent-identifying contact information to the survey.

1. Questions

Text Field

Text field questions are used when you want respondents to provide a written/verbal answer in their own words. The amount of response space in this element is limited.

Text Area

Text area questions are used for various open-ended questions when you want respondents to provide a written/verbal answer in their own words. The text area element offers ample response space.


Numeric questions are used when you want respondents to provide a numerical answer. The field only accepts numeric responses and does not allow other types of answers.


A Date question allows respondents to provide their answer in date format.

Clicking on the response field opens a calendar view, enabling respondents to select a date.

The date range for selection can be restricted.

The default setting can be today's date.

Drop box

A Drop box allows you to add desired answer options that appear in a drop-down list.

Answer options can be numbers, words, or longer sentences. These options are configured within the settings of the dropdown menu element (accessible via the pencil icon).


In a Checkbox question, you can add desired answer options, and respondents can check the option(s) they prefer.

Answer options are added by typing the desired option and clicking "Add" (or pressing Enter).

In the element settings (accessible via the pencil icon), you can set the type of checkboxes:

  • "Checkbox" = respondents can select multiple answer options (you can specify the maximum number of selections).
  • "Radiobutton" = respondents can select only one answer option.

Linear Scale

A Linear Scale is used for Likert-scale questions.

You write the question, select a scale (typically with 5 or 7 response options), and define the endpoints of the scale.

In the element settings (accessible via the pencil icon), you can adjust various settings, including setting the starting and ending values of the scale.


Industry class


The "Products" question type allows for generating orders directly in the system.

Write a question text suitable for generating an order. Search for product cards in the product management system that the customer can select, and from these selections, an order is generated in the system.

File Transferer

The File Transfer option allows respondents to upload various types of files, such as images and documents.

For example, job applicants can be requested to submit their CVs via file transfer.

2. Content

Image, text, subheading, and divider elements can and should be used for page formatting and layout.

Conditional Area

It's often beneficial to ask respondents for a justification or further explanation for their chosen answer option. Clarifying questions based on the responses given by respondents can be created using a so-called "conditional area." This feature allows for more dynamic and responsive surveys, where follow-up questions are presented based on the initial answers given.

Page Change

In particularly long surveys or surveys that contain different sections, it is advisable to use page changes to clarify and organize the survey.

At the point of the page change, a "Next" button will appear. This helps to guide respondents through the survey in a structured and manageable way, especially when dealing with extensive or multi-part questionnaires.

3. Functions

Personal Information

The Personal Information element is used to identify the respondent's details. The respondent's information is always saved in the system's CRM database if the form includes a personal information element. The system matches the email address provided on the form with those in the CRM.

The personal details to be asked from the respondent are defined in the settings of the element (accessible via the pencil icon).

Business Information

If the business information element is included in the form, the system's CRM business details are reviewed. If you want to allow the addition of new businesses to the system, this must be explicitly enabled in the Settings tab by checking the "allow new businesses to be added to the system" option.

Billing Information

The "Billing Information" element adds a question to the form about the customer's billing method. This information is directly transferred to the CRM, under the "billing" tab on the contact's record.

The "Billing Information" element requires that the survey also includes either the "Personal Information" or "Business Information" element.

A completed survey can be embedded on the company's website or sent to customers via email as an attached link (note that the actual survey form cannot be directly embedded into an email message).