Instruction - WiseEconomy: Payroll Processing

In the system, payroll calculations are based on the employee's employment contract.

1. Go to the Contracts tab in the system, which is located under Economy → Salaries → Contracts. Once all the required information has been entered into the contract and it has been saved, you can begin the payroll calculation. The system automatically retrieves the tax rate and base salary specified in the contract for the necessary payroll lines. The calculation also includes the current year's tax rates for various deductions provided by WiseNetwork.

2. Verify that the payment date is correct and adjust it if necessary. Also, ensure that the start and end dates of the pay period are correct.

3. The calculation combines different salary components into the "Amount" column so that deduction lines can accurately calculate the parts of the salary subject to deduction. For example, the income tax deduction line works in this way. Salary components outside of deductions are not included in the "Amount" column of deduction lines. The automatic calculation assigns a coefficient to the combined salary components, representing each deduction percentage as a negative fraction, so that a line reducing the payable salary appears in the "Total" column.

4. Unnecessary salary items can be removed from the salary item package. Values for salary items can also be left blank, in which case no line will appear on the payroll for that item.

5. In payroll processing, necessary changes are made to the employee's salary contract lines.

6. Once the salary has been reviewed and all required salary items are included, proceed to the "Salaries" tab of the employment contract. To generate a payroll, click on "Create next invoice". This action prompts the system to generate a payroll based on the information filled in on the "Basic Information" tab. The payroll is created as the bottom row on the "Salaries" tab, and clicking on it opens the payroll.

7. Afterward, the payroll can be sent to an inspector for inspection and then to an approver for approval. After approval, the salary can be processed for payment, and the payroll will be removed from the system on the due date.