Instructions - WiseSales: Creating "Contract Option" Product

In this guide, you will learn how to create a contract option product and how to use it.

1. Adding a New Product Card

Let's navigate to the system administration side and select.

→” sales”
→” Products
→” Products”

To create a new product card for the online store, click on the top of the page.
→” Add product.”

2. Name the new product and define its type.
In the example, name it "Contract Option" and select "Contract Option" from the dropdown menu as the product type.


→” Add product.”

3. Setting the accounting account

It's important to set an accounting account for the product being sold, where all sales of that product will be directed. If the accounting account is missing, the sales receipts will be incomplete.

In the product card, there is a section called "accounting". Click on the company name displayed there.

The desired accounting account can be added to the product by searching for it either by name or by the accounting account number.

4. Pricing Information

The price of the contract option product can be set at 0€. Its price can be adjusted on a contract-by-contract basis for each individual agreement.

5. Adding a Contract Option to a Contract

Since the contract option product type is not sold in the online store or at the checkout, no further settings are required for it.

The product can be added to the contract in advance, and an agreed price can be defined for it. The price of the product can also be left at 0€, in which case the pricing terms should be specified in the contract terms.

6. Invoicing for the Contract Option

If the option is exercised, its portion can be invoiced separately.

On the Invoicing tab, there's an option called "Generate option invoice", which creates a separate invoice for the option, with the creation date as the invoice date. You can modify this date, and the invoice must be manually sent.