Instructions - WiseDeal: Mass Amendment Tool for Contracts

The Mass Amendment Tool allows users to change the names of recurring billing and order-based contracts, as well as adjust details like the next billing date, product names, prices, VAT rates, and/or accounting accounts.

1. To access contracts in the system's admin interface, go to Sales ->Sales -> Contracts.​​​​​​​

2. To search for the desired contracts, use filters such as product name, next billing date, or batch size. You can also use visible columns as filters, and more columns can be added through the gear icon on the right.

If there are many contracts to modify, select Show > All at the bottom of the listing to ensure that all desired contracts are selected in the next step.

3. Select the desired contracts by either clicking to activate all at once or by individually selecting specific contracts using the checkboxes on the left side of the list.

Afterward, click the "Mass edit" button to proceed.

4. ​​​​​​​A separate window opens where you define what to change and how. If the contracts have multiple products, choose which product's details to modify. Blank fields remain unchanged.

Changes can be made to the product name*, price, accounting account, or VAT rate. If changing the price, you can set a percentage change or a new price.

Once the necessary changes are made, click Save.

*Note: The product name in the product register will remain unchanged, so update it separately after the mass amendment. This ensures easier tracking of reports and product listings.

5. The system will notify you once the changes are saved, and they will take effect immediately for the contracts.

It's important to consider the timing of changes relative to billing. For example, if the change is to apply from January 1st, ensure no invoices have been generated with the old price. Make changes early to avoid errors, such as applying a new price to invoices due on December 31st by mistake.