Instructions - WiseEconomy: Tax Tab of Employment Contract

On the “taxes” -tab of the employment contract, you can see the social security contributions and withholding tax of the contract.

1. The “taxes” -tab of the employment contract can be found in the system:
→ Economy
→ Salaries
→ Contracts

The 'taxes' tab is located at the bottom of the individual's employment contract page and can be accessed by clicking the 'Taxes' button.
On the 'taxes' tab of the employment contract's product lines, the coefficients for withholding tax and social security contributions are checked. These details are transmitted to the Tax Administration's invoice when a payroll is generated from the contract.

2. On the “taxes” -tab, the following lines are marked as shown in the adjacent image:

  • Social security contributions
  • Withholding tax

For these lines, coefficients are defined in the “coefficient” column, based on which social security contributions and withholding tax are deducted from the person's salary.

3. For the payment of payroll taxes, the system adds a reference for self-initiated taxes and an TyEL -insurance number to the purchase invoice settings. These details only need to be added once.

Purchase invoice settings can be found in the system:
→ Economy
→ Purchase invoices
→ Settings