Instruction - WiseSales: New Offer

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a new offer in the system.

1. Let's navigate to the system's administration panel and select:


To create a new offer, click on "Add Offer" at the top of the page.

2. Add the company and contact to the offer from the CRM. If the company or contact is not yet found in the CRM, they can be created by selecting:

"Add New."

The system will automatically fill in the remaining basic information fields.

3. If desired, it's possible to add a cover letter to the offer. The cover letter can include links and tables.

4. Adding products to the offer. It's possible to add multiple different products to the offer.

"Add Product."

5. After saving the offer, an alternative offer can be added to the same offer.


"Add Optional Offer."

6. For the alternative offer as well, it's possible to add multiple different products. The customer can choose the most preferable offer from these offers.

7. The offer can be sent to the customer or printed using the buttons found in the bottom left corner.

→ "Send."

→ "Print"