WiseBill - Purchase invoices

Electronic purchase invoice processing: stay always up-to-date on the status of purchase invoices and handle them easily and flexibly.

With the purchase invoice module, a company continuously receives up-to-date information on its running expenses. Purchase invoices are created directly in the system, where they can be reviewed, approved, and paid with just a few clicks.

The summary of purchase invoices has been constructed on the main page of WiseEconomy. The summary is built using links, which can be clicked to examine the information presented in a particular link.

The summary of purchase invoices is constructed as follows:

  • Received invoices
  • Under review
  • Under approval
  • Invoices for the current month
  • Overdue invoices for the current month

The WiseEconomy purchase invoices section is divided into seven different tabs:

  • Purchase invoices
  • Settings
  • Accounting report
  • Payments
  • Bank statements
  • Transfers
  • Receipts

Purchase Invoices
The listing of purchase invoices operates on the same logic as the listing of sales invoices. WisePlatform aims to simplify the users' tasks, so the logics are made similar to each other. Purchase invoices can be browsed by the supplier's name, date information, or amount, for example.

In the purchase invoice settings, you can define invoice reviewers and approvers. Here, you can also make settings that affect or speed up the workflow.

Accounting Report
The purchase invoice accounting report provides a clear report of all purchase invoices for a specific period. The report details, for instance, value-added tax (VAT).

Payments sent from the system are displayed on their own tab.

Bank Statements
Bank statements are generated in the system daily, making it easy to monitor cash flow and significantly automate accounting. The payment of a purchase invoice is automatically matched to the correct invoice. You can also create posting rules on the bank statement, which always automatically creates a voucher for recurring expenses in the accounting.

It is also possible to make transfers from the system.

Add receipts directly to the system, where they can be processed or downloaded by the accountant. Receipts are listed on their own tab, which enhances the receipt processing workflow.